I like my tee with a twist! As pleasing as that twisted slice of lemon on your french 75, this tie & twist tee offers you just the touch that sets it apart, lets be honest, from all the other white tees in your collection, or at least my collection:) My love of white tees runs deep, and there's room in my heart for every neckline, sleeve length, cut, graphic or solid. It's my go to and so difference makers are always welcome additions. The cotton of this tee is a delight and the simple stitching down the back, sweet perfection. You may need to pop in ASAP for this one, it will surely disappear into the armoires of our nearest & dearest quickly.
Speaking of twists. I have been in conversations this week about putting one's own spin on our story, career, day, skill... whatever you are up to. My message is clear on this. I will only participate if I can do it my way, meaning it must feel good to me. I can't control anything or anyone, so I must get a little excited, or a lot excited, and I must feel some motivation that comes from within to follow through on whatever it is I'm into. This, to me is living my life with divinity. To you it could be on your terms, in your own style, however you articulate it... I want to remind you that if resentment, frustration, or angst are a part of your process, there may be some fine tuning that would allow you to shift HOW you are operating to a way that aligns with you more comfortably. What time of day, have you eaten, are you rested, have you moved your body, who is in the room, how's the lighting, the list goes on and on as to the questions one could ask about how this circumstance may be shifted, or all together eliminated, perfected etc. What does this remind you of from your past experiences? I heard a podcast yesterday where a man wanted a desk that allowed him to look out his beautiful window at work. So, he built it, and attached it to the window! Then built that company that provided that same desk to ALL the folks who wanted that same twist:) And so it often begins, with the awareness and the asking of questions to yourself about what exactly is it that's bothering you, hindering you, or what my love would you prefer? (and lets not involve others in our solution just yet, 'cause blaming or changing others is a WHOLE different conversation) Let's imagine our preferences, how they feel and how we might manifest them. We are capable of so much, and we are supported in our processes, but what I'm realizing lately is that process is often unclear to me. HOW do I twist, navigate, and ultimately shift myself toward this preference. Let's ask those who may know. Let's ask ourselves in a meditation or before going to sleep. Let's talk about how we want to feel and allow the solutions to grow within us, like our garden, cultivated with love and attention to the details of how our day could be improved, hearts lighter, smiles more readily available...
Let's consider...how to put our own twist on our own lives for a perfect balance of flavors and experiences.
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. loved our lunch at our fish fryin' neighbors... Ironside.
Wine List & Cocktails are on point as well!