Happy Thursday!
Day late and a dollar short? Day late for sure, hoping that's where it ends, lol.
Couple things: one, how great is this basket bag?! It's a functional statement piece, that isn't your every day, but how fun when you get to grab it, and how beautiful hanging by the door when you don't... perhaps next to your new favorite straw hat.
This brand, half united, fights hunger so when we purchase their pieces we are feeding children in need. Helping us feel even better when getting dressed.
As for the boutique, and life in general, I'm feeling depleted today after a really inspired week. I will be getting new pieces available to you on line asap. For now, please message me and let me know how you are feeling, if any of what we are offering is resonating with you, and if you'd like to schedule a private appointment virtually or in person. I'm here to help.
So to flesh out the inspiration part of my week and lift my spirits...
I spoke with the designer of joli nu, the top I'm wearing is a printed rayon she designed, a grab n go piece that you will wear one million times and feel cool and vacation ready every time. Relaxed and pretty, flattering and easy, Summer into Fall... It's a lovely blouse and I really enjoy wearing it. The conversation started with me singing my praise of her pieces: prints, fit and fabrics. We moved into the amount of energy, people, hands, eyes, minds, hearts that go into making this top and all of her pieces. It again raised my awareness about the energy that goes into my sharing my stories, and you wearing our goods as you live yours. It really is remarkable how we are all working together all the time, consciously or not. I carry your heart with me, you carry mine. Our tone of voice, word choice, and consumption all impacting the lives of others, the planet. It's an interesting point brought to the forefront with the use of masks right?
So today, I ask you how. How are you inspiring, guiding, listening, holding, and caring for your self and for others?
I am negotiating something big right now, something important to me, and as I take my time, consider my heart and mind, my feelings and those of my family, I am both depleted and fired up simultaneously... Wanting my hand held, hoping for best possible outcome, whether I can see it or not, and trusting. Thank you for holding a space for me in your week. I always have space for you in my boutique.
xoxo, Cecelia
For New Arrivals online click here
For try ons coming later today follow below.