Purple is the New Black

Well today is filled with all kinds of anticipation: New arrivals to unpack, see below, I LOVE them ALL!!!
AND, we are attempting to purchase a home, which if you know me, I've been working toward this goal for 5 years, and honestly a few before that, just not as aggressively.
Like anything that takes time, and seems to be more challenging than it could be... it's rich with learning, whether I like it or not, and I may just be in yet another honors course (like my 20th PhD) or in the final stretches of a marathon I've worked hard to accomplish, for quite some time. "Let's see", my mantra.
Some people actually just go out and run marathons one day and complete them, in good time, Pat, wink wink! It's true, and others train for months or years and may or may not do as well as they'd hoped right? Some even exceed their expectations.
Staying on my mat has been one of the biggest of these lessons, regardless of the life choices of those around me, what's best for me and mine, what's intended for us, and how can I be grateful for whatever those answers are, and embrace them.
Well, the same is needed for Corona Virus. The Rona as they say in Michigan.
We are learning as we go. Whether we like it or not. This experience is RICH in illuminating priorities, needs vs. wants, gratitude for basics like life, home, breath, fresh air, connection.
What are your values? The election is similar in a way, illuminating and a time for reflection...
I think it's crucial to think about ourselves and not judge others or compare, but to explore and ask "how do I feel", "what are my hopes and dreams", and of all that you are experiencing, what brings you joy, and for what are you grateful? Whether we can visit with our people in person this Holiday Season or not, may your gratitude list be long. Mine always starts with my pillow, not going to lie. It's the BEST pillow in the universe.
Now, as far as gifting... please consider how we can help. If you aren't sure, email or text us and ask how can you help me. We are in need of connection, we have already had a few holiday shoppers share their lists with us, and we helped them find wonderful pieces for their loved ones. No one is happier to help you shop than Yolanda and I, so please, let us know if we can help. You can come in or not, we are here.
Big love to you all from my big heart all full of thanks and hopes today. Wish me luck for the gazillionth time. ha ha no worries, universe, I will take it!
And to any of you who are in round one million of something, here is a water on the side of the road and I am literally screaming your name, wearing your number, and high fiving you to keep trying if it's important to you, keep trying and I will meet you again at the next mile. GET AFTER IT, as Michael says.
Another gift from the universe, there are love notes sprinkled all over the place, hope you take the time to notice AND read them:)
xoxo, Cecelia
PS. ALWAYS need a uniform for saving the day, or changing your life, so here's mine today, fav jeans the bridget and fav new teeclick here for more
email: cecelia@vocabularyboutique.com
text me: 619-316-6598 for private appointments
or DM me on instagram @vocabularyboutique

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