Okay, humans are just so fascinating. I am one that is completely obsessed with stripes: the striking contrast, the clean lines, and the nautical associations - all things that make my eyes and heart happy. I know a lot of you have this in common with me, and please pop in because half of the collection is currently striped!
Yesterday, a few appointments get rescheduled, I see an instagram post from @ladiesaloud (LOVE n Trust everything she's throwing down) and so I follow her direction when she tells me to go watch Beyonce's Homecoming on Netflix, which then turns into Brené Brown's speaking on Courage and Vulnerability, a recap of the book I had read Rising Strong. Lillian and I had a big day of "schooling". The amount of things I seemingly have in common with Beyoncé are impressive, and when she does what I have often wanted to do, it makes me so incredibly happy. Talk about heart pounding. She describes the program, the film and the show, as being a place for all of these incredible people to belong, to matter, to represent to everyone the beauty of their humanity: their talents, their hair, their bodies, their swag. Its everyone's humanity she's celebrating of course, but she's highlighting her culture in such wonderful ways, and watching her I feel so excited that she exists, that her budgets are what they are, to support her loving intentions, and her voice, so beautiful, loud and clear... as she expresses herself and shares her family, her heart, her vision., and the stepping, it is sooooo gooooooood!
Brené Brown, similar! It's not just the é, but the desire and call for people to show up in who they actually are, feeling included (which begins with the self, but can be inspired by the community) and bringing all of their feelings to the table, with increasing awareness, compassion and acceptance.
So to say my heart is full is to put it lightly:)
I'm grateful for the women on this planet who are courageous enough to answer their call, WHATEVER it is, and to support others doing the same, and all the men too, who are willing to show up in ways that are incredibly hypocritical in our society, but some can see through, to the truths, the humanity, and read between the lines or the stripes, if you will, to see the beauty in the person or people we are so honored to witness. To see that being brave requires vulnerability, they aren't opposites.
Honestly I wish I had more and more time to dive into the quotes, the moments, the meaning and even the choreography, but please, dive in yourself, the water's fine, it's divine. Click links above in blue.
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. I looked up the history of May Day to write about, again humans are FASC-I-NA-TING! From a celebration of flowers and Spring to "pagan" and shunned to international workers rights. We love a merry-go-round don't we? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the celebration of spring and flowers being shunned seems very last season/century, and I'm not into it. Worker's Rights, into it!