This week I am scheduling trunk shows for Spring, house shopping, and taking orders for our most beloved tee,
Can I yell it any louder?!?!
Enough said, who doesn't want a bit more lovin'. I've heard of this before, dating yourself, and giving yourself the love and attention you desire AND DESERVE, but this morning a friend of mine who does so much for others told me she was shifting her focus toward loving herself and putting herself first for a bit, I said what if you were your FAVORITE partner, and what if when you totally took care of you and prioritized you, indulging in all of your preferences and THEN then were super grateful and in awe of how incredibly you took care of you and prioritized you. I know women talk about needing this, but we actually went into detail with what she would REALLY enjoy, and then she started scheduling it, not because it was convenient or nothing better to do. Because she was ultimately prioritizing her love for her self and enjoyment of her day. Again, I know I talk about this a lot, but today it really landed, how incredible. I can't wait to see how she spends her time differently and how gracious she is with herself with this new lens. You know it will influence me too, because I'm now aware of it. We are continually growing, and what a cool experiment to share with your kids, right? This is what I learned from dating myself for three months... Not a bad lesson when your daughter is breaking up with a boy in college and is all upside down....
I will keep you posted, but pretty sure this is an EXCELLENT idea.
Need a reminder, when you look in the mirror?! We are screen printing more of these gorgeous and super soft tees, and are happy to include yours in our printing. Fair trade and organic cotton, click here to order, one of my absolute favorite tees, I've worn for years!
This is a collaboration with Salud Shoppe, and Alison is an angel blessing this planet with her love of the human spirit and the world that sustains us.
PS. On the collaborative note,
PLEASE watch and enjoy and like and share my instagram videos if you are at all able. It's a huge boost to me getting to remain open and grow this boutique in what I hope is sustainable. I have IGTV, posts and stories featuring our new hats and gorgeous hand made earrings.
Find me here
This week's Trunk Show features effortlessly chic pieces that pair beautifully together. Joli Nu is a brand we began carrying after I met the owner, Amy, who I adore. Great style, concern for the planet, and an adventurers spirit. Just a few of my favorite things:) Hope you'll join me on Instagram Friday 10am LIVE!
Get in Touch
email: cecelia@vocabularyboutique.com
text me: 619-316-6598 for private appointments or styling questions