I have a lot to share!
I know some of you know my pal Conni, @ArtInTheFind, because she has cleaned out your closets and then helped you revamp your wardrobe. If you don't know, now you know, to quote my man Biggie Smalls. Follow her immediately, her style is as fun as her instagram feed! She joined me last week for a much needed day date at Lola55, a terrific taco spot in the East Village with inspired cocktails and DE-LIC-IOUS tacos, like keep 'em comin' delicous. We couldn't get enough. Which, by the way is a favorite activity of mine after a nice shopping expedition. Maybe its the hunt & gather instincts of my ancestors, but a lovely lunch aprés shopping with a girlfriend where you dish over all you found, celebrating how we adorn ourselves must feed the goddess in me, because I LOOOOOVE it!
Conni will be joining us at our Brunch & Ballots shopping party Sunday, will you!? She is a great resource for styling pieces in your closet you love but aren't wearing. She knows the best consignment options in town and never met an accessory she couldn't breathe life back into.
She's sporting our outfit of the week: a sol angeles sweatshirt elevated by her leopard heels and our beach comber britches, which few would think to put together, an example of her fresh take on fashion.
This brings me to a pressing issue this week, which is LOVING where you are, using what you got, celebrating whatever the win is that you can find in your day. I was taking a shower yesterday while my sweet babe was sleeping and it dawned on me that I had achieved a goal I created when I was a kid, to have a child one day and stay at home to take care of my little one, as my Mom had done during our early years, regardless of our economic status. She says I asked her once if we were middle class and she laughed and said sure. Truth is, we were poor: limited financially while rich in love, knowledge, and resources. We were not stuck, and she was making choices. I realized that while I'm scared about many things, money often at the top of my list, I was at that moment at home taking care of my child, lunch to prepare, and a husband dedicated to his work and providing for us. GOAL! I literally went from a list of worries (and the list was loooong) to a feeling of jubilation. I had to share, and I thought: how can I look for this feeling every day?! There is always a win somewhere in there, and if we replace the fretful feelings with high fives, I do believe we will have a much better time in this life. RuPaul reminded us last week, that's what it's all about!
See you Sunday!
30% off your entire purchase!
Ps. I have a question: How can I show up for you?
Okay two questions, Why do you open my email each week?
I'm grateful you do and am curious how it serves you:)
Please let me know!
xoxo, Cecelia