I met with some girlfriends and their babes on Monday for play at the park, and we talked about our Fall Fashion desires needing some love and attention in San Diego, when like this week the temp.s get high. We laughed about the four seasons of San Diego happening during each day, in two hour blocks. So here's the thing, you can wear this sweater or your fav leather jacket in the morning or evening. To look on the bright side, you actually get to wear more of your clothing here, some days require three to four layers or changes, and you probably wear each item for less time, helping it last longer.
What came up for me after this conversation was the swim against the current. There are obstacles in our days: sometimes it's the weather, sometimes it's an accident on the freeway, and often, it's our own habits and perspective.
I wonder how you'd feel if you planned this week's outfits with your favorite Fall pieces that are silk or light linen as this is your opportunity to wear them. You grab a few layers to comfort your mornings and evenings if the need arises, and you look forward to all the options available to you this week. Grab your hat too, because the sun is intense!
Actually, wait, step back. I wonder how you'd feel to think about what you will wear this week ahead of time. PERIOD. In sixth grade my best friend and I would talk on the phone for about an hour each day. Most of that time was discussing what we might wear the next day. It was VERY important to us; we had that in common. Now I care about how I feel in my clothes, how I look and the vibe I'm giving, and yet I'm often pulling half worn clothes out of a basket and scrambling to get dressed while Lillian is staring me down (and learning) wondering when we are headed out...
So, maybe it's just me, but while we need to shift gears when our mood or weather changes, we can pull out the pieces we'd like the opportunity to wear this week, get ourselves headed in the right direction and make the most of this season.
You with me? And if your denim is slightly higher waisted this season, your sweaters could be getting cropped, and this cozy dream is your new 7:00, am or pm.
I'm headed to my closet now, to prioritize all I hope to wear this week, and I will see how it shifts my experience of these hot days, gorgeous sunsets and cool evenings.
If you do the same, and something is missing from your desired list, click here to shop our collection!
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. Two cool options for our Autumn Afternoons, and always let me know if you don't see your size, we can often special order for you!