There are pieces that I find that cause me to pause in awe, honestly, at how well they are designed. The fabric, the color, the weight all collaborate with how and when you will wear this blouse. The fit is easy, adjustable and flattering, as it should be. The price is affordable, and the time this beauty will hang in your closet will be ... let's just say a whiiiiile! She's an easy long term commitment, this piece, and you'll be grateful for her, when you're busy, when you're feeling insecure, when you want to look
I call my daughter's pacifier "trusty" which is a reference to Linus and his blanket in Charlie Brown. And because of that awareness, have been calling lots of things trusty lately, and giggling to myself. All my tools I rely on, that serve me over and over again, are my trusties, and in times of stress, change, deadline I'm so grateful to have them! This blouse will certainly be one of those, a trusted part of your more permanent collection.
I have more room now, too, after a closet edit with Conni, Art in the Find. If you have considered this, HIRE HER! (reply to this email and I'll get you connected, or tell her on instagram I sent you: @artinthefind)
It's fun, productive, and I keep wearing pieces from my closet that we breathed life into, after clearing out its neighbors that were throwing too much shade. I have to say, when I narrowed down my wardrobe to all that I LOVE and really wear regularly, it was only a few pieces. I kept many others I loved and committed to wearing them more, and cleared space by getting rid of the pieces I liked but no longer serve, don't fit that well, have a stain, need a .... etc. You get my point. My closet looks and feels beautiful, organized and like a giant to do list that has every line checked off! If you are anything like me, that's a high I chase, and you can't get it on the street. LOL
Happy Hump Day! Pop in, and peruse. We also have new accessories from mimi & lu!
xoxo, Cecelia